Passing Values Down to Your Grandchildren

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Let me state the obvious: I am not a grandparent. I am not even close to having my own children. You might be thinking that I am not the best person to be writing a blog about passing qualities down to grandchildren. But, I can absolutely say I have some of the best grandparents in the whole wide world (sorry everyone else, it’s just the truth.) 

From an early age, my grandparents have instilled strong family values into their grandchildren: me, my fifteen-year-old brother, and my twenty-year-old-cousin. We see the eternal value in having the family that we do and this all started with my grandparents. From an early age, I would watch the adults in my life just live out their lives and model myself from them (as you probably did.) Children are so receptive and follow in the footsteps of those who surround them. 

When my grandparents were younger, there was no other option to work hard. For instance, my grandpa is a farmer and has been most of his life. I asked my grandpa where his work ethic came from and he attributed it to his grandpa. He said that he looked up to his grandpa so much, the man who raised him. Even at his age, he still goes out on the farm every day: tending to his cows and picking produce out of the garden to sell at the farmer’s market. He owns a small business with my uncle, Trinity Nursery, where they sell all kinds of flowers and produce out of their two greenhouses. My grandma is so giving of herself. She is a retired special education teacher and has been a caretaker to her father and now her brother for years. She has cooked Sunday lunch for the whole family almost every Sunday since my parents were married in 1996. She attributes her work ethic was passed down from her parents and they taught her to take pride in herself and everything she did. 

I can pretty much guarantee most grandparents feel similarly: they want to instill the values that they hold dear to their children and grandchildren. Work ethic is something that must be taught. As a millennial, I know we are thought of as not having “the best” work ethic. Stereotypically, millennials are lazy, arrogant, and expect everything to be handed to them. While this may be true for a small percentage, I see it differently. I see that so many millennials have the drive to work hard that it can be somewhat impossible to break through the clutter. I know for myself, I have seen my grandparents work for what they have. They have given their family the world. I can see the value in work and what I can accomplish when I put in the effort. 

I am sure you have values that you can trace back to your grandparents, whatever those may be. It is important that we acknowledge those things and where they came from. If you are fortunate to still have your grandparents, take a second and thank them today. Tell them how much the things they have instilled in you mean to you. Maybe some of your greatest qualities come from your grandparents. I know mine do.

Butterflies and Mud Pies: My 4 Rules for Embracing Summer Break as a Work-at-Home Mom

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Written by guest writer Lindsey DeVore: Hi, I’m Lindsey-a small business owner, former educator and a blessed mom to a little boy. 

Summer break (formerly known as, summer “vacation”) used to conjure up images of long days by the pool, unencumbered free time and endless possibilities for spontaneous get-togethers and adventures with friends. Fast forward to present day as a work-at-home small business owner (with a busy toddler) and the picture looks quite different, to say the least. My goal is to spend these months giving my son the best summer experience possible. Meanwhile, clients are calling, the email box is filling up, and those day-to-day tasks of running and growing a business are not going away.

How can one manage working from home while surviving (and more importantly, enjoying) summer break with their children? I’m sharing my top 4 rules in my life to embrace summer break as a work-at-home mom.

1) Change the narrative.

Summertime presents a challenge for all parents regardless of their schedule and level of work flexibility. Logistics and childcare can be tricky to figure out, however the first challenge I realized I needed to overcome was the story I was telling myself. The narrative that I’m not doing enough for the business, as a parent and the idea that I should be able to seamlessly balance it all. I now believe that balance doesn’t really exist and the expectation that we can achieve it if we only “try harder,” is a self-defeating pursuit. Let go of the notion of balance and find peace in the acceptance of what your current circumstances are, also knowing that they will continue to evolve and change. The truth is while no parent can “do it all” during the summer months, we can do a lot, and by doing our best to take care of our business, ourselves and our family-this is enough, this is more than enough.

2) Lower expectations.

We all have certain expectations for how we conduct our work and home responsibilities, I’ve come to the realization that my standards need to be lowered during the summer months. This is the time to let things go of non-essentials and focus my high expectations to what work tasks must be completed and to the personal priorities that truly matter. Some things will need to be put away and can be picked back up once school starts back; they will survive and will be there waiting. Some things are ripe for the picking during the summer months and I want to take advantage of them-like backyard barbeques, time with extended family, and creating homemade meals with fresh corn on the cob and watermelon. Decide what you want to focus on during summer break and then let the rest go.

3) Get a work plan in place.

When it comes to getting my work tasks done, summer break is the time to channel my most organized, “Type-A” self. I try to be methodical in setting time and physical boundaries around work priorities and sticking to them. It’s a great idea to anticipate when you may have 15, 20, 30 minutes of time to work and have a plan for how to best utilize it- this will lessen feelings of overwhelm and help you get right to knocking to-do’s off your list. Schedule tougher assignments that require quiet and more attention for when you know you’ll have the house to yourself. Consider scheduling a chunk of time each week to work outside of the home at your favorite coffeeshop or coworking space, especially when you want to work on creative and new projects. Time out of the house will also give you a chance to get out of your yoga pants and mingle/converse with other adults (sounds like a vacation to me!)

4) Show yourself grace and kindness.

This is my favorite rule and the one I can struggle with the most. As we’re stretched for time focusing on managing our work and family, its easy to neglect ourselves. We need to show ourselves extra kindness during this crazy season in whatever ways make sense to you. Examples of self-kindness for me may include: unapologetically asking for help, outsourcing household tasks (cleaning, mowing, laundry), saying no to requests and invitations, and having fun whenever I can (Slip and Slide, anyone?) Remind yourself that your health and happiness are a good and essential use of your time.

Summer breaks may be different now that children and work responsibilities fill up the long days, but it can be pleasurable and memorable, nonetheless. I’m choosing to embrace this season of the year (and life) for what it is- tough but magical, long but also fast, and days filled with butterflies and mud pies and I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.

The Importance of Self-Care


Imagine this: You are having a bad day at work. You weren’t prepared for a meeting with your boss, you forgot your lunch at home, and you don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Your calendar is jam-packed for weeks and so the only thing to do is dive deeper into work so you can get it all done. Exercise, dinner with friends, and a good night’s sleep begin to slip out of our grasp. 

One of the biggest things we place on the backburner of our lives is self-care. While the term may just sound like doing a face mask or soaking in a bubble bath, taking care of yourself is so much more. Self-care is about making sure you have the tools and the energy to continue on, whether that be reading your favorite book, meditating—you name it. Self-care on its most basic level is replenishing your soul. You can’t keep pouring out of an empty cup. 

There are all kinds of benefits to practicing self-care on a regular basis, which include: 

  • Lowers stress 
  • Increased emotional awareness and empathy 
  • Mindfulness 
  • Raises your self-esteem 

It is important to prioritize self-care. That is where self-care bingo comes in. It makes self-care fun and part of a game. You might be wondering what the heck self-care bingo is. It is exactly like it sounds. The prize isn’t a toy or cash, but a better, more mindful you. Some of the self-care tasks on the bingo card may include: 

  • Took a shower 
  • Challenged negative thoughts 
  • Drank water 
  • Sat with my feelings 
  • Got 7-9 hours of sleep 
  • Exercised 

With the help of self-care bingo, you are noticing and creating these habits in yourself. For example, we all know how important it is to stay hydrated and drink 8 glasses of water a day but when we get busy, we forget. Following along on one of these bingo cards helps you keep track of all the good things you are doing for yourself. 

Now, it isn’t ideal or even possible to do all of these self-care tasks in one day (however, full self-care days are wonderful and you should treat yourself with one whenever you can.) Sprinkle them throughout your week. If you are just absolutely too busy to even think about taking a bubble bath, schedule it out just like you do for the rest of your busy life. Once you get accustomed to practicing self-care, it becomes easier and easier to indulge in it. 

Self-care bingo is just one of MANY ways to create a self-care routine for yourself. Just practicing self-care in some capacity will help you tremendously. Hop on over to our Facebook Live to see our community manager Hayley and Ment member Emily discuss their self-care routines, why they find self-care so important in their busy lives, and maybe even play some bingo! 

P.S: Here is the bingo card we used from Alyse Ruriani

5 Tips to Combat Writer’s Block

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Everyone at some point in their life has probably experienced some sort of creative drought. What we call writer’s block can happen to anybody. Famous writers experience it all the way down to little old me, writing this blog. Sometimes the timing just isn’t right. You might be scared about putting yourself out there, on paper and in life. You might also be trying to hard for your writing to be absolutely perfect. Every writer has definitely struggled with it at one point or another. However, just because you are down does not mean you should count yourself out. 

I don’t have a one-stop fix for writer’s block. I highly doubt anyone does—if you do, give your girl a call. You have to tackle combating writer’s block one step at a time in your own way. Here are some tips that I have found work for me and I am by no means a professional writer, but maybe some of them will work for you. 

A change of scenery. This is a tip that I have found works most for me but I take a little from each tip to get me back on track. If I am stuck on what direction I want to take something, whether it be a term paper or project for a class or one of my blogs for Ment, changing my location seems to help. I truly believe your surroundings have a great effect on your mood. If I am working at my desk at home, I will get up and drive to a coffee shop. If I am at work, I will change rooms. A new outlook can maybe spark something in you.

Take a break. Sometimes you have just written so much that your brain is fried. A break helps you clear your head so you can come back to your writing in a good space. Call up a friend, watch an episode of your favorite sitcom, or just mindlessly scroll through Instagram. Just make sure it is long enough for you to feel relieved, but not too long where you start procrastinating.

Go outside. This one may go hand in hand with the last tip, but can also be quite different. Get outside and move a little bit. Get some of that Vitamin N. Go for a walk, run or go to the gym.

Write something else. Got a lot of writing to do? If you are stuck on one piece of writing you’ve got, go to another one. It’ll take your mind off the one you’re hung up on and you can come back to the original one with a fresh take.

Play mind games with yourself. This tip might be a little counterintuitive, but it can work for some. Your mind is pretty powerful. Tell yourself you’ll write for five minutes. When that time is up, say you’ll write for five more minutes. Keep going with that system until you are satisfied with what you’ve got.

Don’t stress if you find yourself in a rut when it comes to your writing. Every writer has gone through it so don’t feel as though you’re the only one stuck in this situation. The one takeaway I can leave you with is don’t give up. Keep writing, keep fighting, and one day you will have something great. Don’t put yourself under too much pressure and follow these tips, and you will find writing to become easier and easier. Find that inspiration and don’t let go!

Why You Need More Vitamin N

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It’s no secret we live in a society where we are always indoors. Most people will leave their homes to drive to where they work (most likely inside) and then back home. A recent study has shown that humans will spend 93 percent of their time indoors. There is also a shift to living in big cities that have limited access to natural surroundings. There are countless other studies conducted about the benefits that nature can have on our health and well-being. 

There is just something so rejuvenating about spending time outside, whether that is in a forest surrounded by towering trees or on the coast with the waves hitting your toes. Spending time connected to nature grounds us and helps us see the magnitude of the world around us. I am sure that you have noticed this phenomenon, especially during the summer months when you are outside more or even on vacation. 

Author Richard Louv questions what he calls “nature-deficit disorder,” which is an alienation from nature altogether. He poses the question in his book Last Child in the Woods, “What could our lives and our children’s lives be like if our days and nights were as immersed in nature as they are in technology?” 

What can cause us to fall into nature-deficit disorder? That’s not an easy answer. The rise and continuation of technology in our everyday lives, urbanization, and fear of the unknown can all be traced to having an effect on why we are spending much more time indoors rather than out experiencing nature. Louv states that prolonged alienation from natural surroundings can have deep affects on our mental and physical states, especially in our children. Research has shown that spending more time connected to nature can help with depression, obesity, ADD, and can stimulate creativity. 

In his most recent book, Louv has come up with a solution for nature-deficit disorder: Vitamin N. This book details specific activities on how to connect more with the natural world around you. Louv also cofounded Children and Nature Network (C&NN,) which is an organization determined to get children and families outside. Through this nonprofit’s website, you can take a pledge to finding Vitamin N and offers support, tips, and more. 

It might not be practical to drop everything in your life and go live in the woods forever, but there are lots of ways to implement some Vitamin N into your daily life. Enter: biophilic design. If you have been around on our blog for a while, you might have heard us talk about this. It is about integrating nature into your already present environment. It is so much more than just putting a succulent on your desk—do that if you want, though! Biophilic design takes into account the whole space, whether that is your home, your office, or wherever you spend your time. 

Pieces that can be considered biophilic design are plants, water, natural light, even natural air flow. Ment was created with a biophilic design in mind. We have a little green in every room of our space, a huge skylight in the coworking lounge and more. However, your place of work doesn’t have to do the design for you, you can do it yourself. Open the blinds or the windows  in your office. Place some plants everywhere. Your eyes will shift to the green leaves and put you at peace. Buy some nature-inspired art to hang around. The best tip of all would be get outside! Take your lunch out on a bench, meet with clients at a restaurant with outdoor setting, or just go for a walk on your break. 

Our nature-deficit disorder that we might face may not be totally curable in an instant. It is something we have to work on every day. Taking into account the words of Richard Louv, begin to implement some of his tips into creating a life that is more green. 

How to say “Thank You” as a Business

Thank you. 

Those two words right there go a long way, farther than you might think. You might say them when someone holds the elevator for you when you are coming to work in the morning, or when your waiter brings you your drink at a restaurant. Those two words convey appreciation and gratitude but they are lacking in the corporate world. 

This article from Proposify really states it well: “A simple ‘thank you’ can show your clients and partners that you value the relationship, and it helps build rapport. For employees and co-workers, ‘thank you’ can instill confidence, demonstrate that the work they do is integral to the success of your organization.” 

A good, old-fashioned thank you can establish brand loyalty. People, when participating in your brand, will feel wanted and appreciated. People don’t want to show support to brands that treat their customers or employees poorly. Customers don’t only pick what brands they like solely on their products or services, they take into account the brand’s values. 

There are many specific ways to say thank you as a business. Of course, there is a thank you note. It is a classic for a reason. It feels personal and that someone took the time to sit down and write a note for you. A handwritten one obviously feels more intentional than an email, but in today’s technological world, it can have the same effect. If you find yourself writing a thank you note, be as personal and thorough as you can. Like I have said time and time again, people, at an innate level need to feel appreciated and your thank you note can provide that. Detail all that this person did that you are grateful for. 

A thank you doesn’t only have to go to just one person. A business can thank all their customers at once! Having a sale or promotion to say thank you for all their service to you as a business is usually well-received. The only thing I can say about this is to make sure that the promotion is filled with real sentiment and not just a reason to make more money. Customers can usually tell the difference. 

As you probably know, Ment Cowork has been celebrating our one year anniversary all month long. We have had a lot of celebrations, which is wonderful. But, our celebrations are about our members and the people who walk out of the elevator into Suite 203 every single day. We want to say thank you to everyone who has been a part of our year-long journey and we can’t wait to see where we go from here. 

Saying thank you should be an integral part of business relationships. It creates an air of goodwill surrounding your brand. The main take-away from this is if you are going to say thank you as a business (and I hope that you do,) make it intentional. Make saying thank you a priority in your company. 

Thank YOU for reading this blog. 🙂


Investing in Your Business

Starting your own business is scary. There is a lot of uncertain variables that can factor into creating your own company from scratch. The biggest question, of course, is money. Money makes the world go ‘round, whether that is a good or a bad thing: it’s true.

There are all kinds of ways to invest in your business. If you shoot videos for a living, maybe buying state-of-the-art video equipment. Maybe it is expanding your product line. Whatever it might be, an investment can go a long way and mean profit for your business. But, many entrepreneurs can be afraid to take that step towards their ultimate success. Investing is a big deal, especially into something you might not see turnover immediately in. Investments require time and money, both things that entrepreneurs value above all else.

The future is unknown, which is another reason why investing in the future of your company might be a little terrifying. Your investment might not even pay off (hopefully that won’t happen!) But, you have to ask yourself, is the risk of this investment worth the possibility of the greater reward?

Align your investment with your business goals. Create a clear line to sales and make sure that it can be profitable. For example, say you are a photographer. If your current camera is a little old, consider the possible investment into a new camera that takes phenomenal photos. With the better camera, you can afford to charge a little more for the pictures you take and that camera will pay for itself.

Set goals for your business and evaluate how some little investments along the way can help you grow. Create a system to track your investments, whether that be Google Analytics or some other metrics system, just create a visual to actively track what you are doing for your investments.

Making an investment doesn’t have to be one big end-all, be-all thing. For instance, you may be an entrepreneur who meets with clients and your business is ran out of your home. But, you also have a dog and two young children running around the house. Those little rascals, though you love them, might get in the way. You need a quiet place in a professional setting to get work done and meet with clients. That is where a coworking space, particularly Ment comes in. We obviously have memberships where you can always work here, but you might be a small business, wary of the cost of the investment and what that would look like. We offer day passes, which allows you to try out our services for yourself before you take the deep-dive into coworking. A day pass is a great way to begin to invest in your business.

Investing in your business requires a lot of external factors. Is your business profitable enough to take a hit if it has to? Is your personal finances have enough in it to suffice an investment? If you are ready to really take your business to the next level, great! Go for it. Create the business of your dreams. We’re here to support you!

Incorporating Podcasts into Your Content Marketing Strategy

Hi, my name is Emily and I am obsessed with podcasts. I listen to one probably every day in some capacity. They have taken over my Broadway cast albums I would normally listen to on a long drive (sorry, Lin-Manuel Miranda, I guess I threw away my shot.) Podcasts, if you have somehow been living under a rock, are just generally a broadcast conversation, much like talk radio. There are podcasts about every topic you could ever dream of—from politics to business to beekeeping.

Podcasts are really the new media frontier. They only require an internet connection and can go anywhere with the listener. They provide opportunities to learn something new without having to actually do any work. You can drive, clean your house, or work out, all while listening to an episode of your favorite podcast.

Podcasts are becoming a part of content marketing strategies across the globe. Many famous celebrities and influencers have turned to podcasting as a way to further enrich their followers with their brand—even Oprah has a podcast.  Podcasts are usually easier to create than, say, a blog post or a highly-produced video. All that is needed is a microphone and editing software. You can put out high-quality content about your brand with minimal effort on your part.

Podcasts establish brand recognition on a personal level. People identify with your voice, they feel like they’ve made a friend and have invited you into their home or car. And, if you do it right, will want to listen to you everyday. Establish a certain amount of trust with your listeners. People will follow your podcast and in turn, participate in whatever your brand is doing.

This type of content marketing isn’t only for those local to you. Podcasts are worldwide, people. You can only spread your brand so far on your own and podcasts can help send it even further.

If you are interested in starting a podcast, make sure it is entertaining as well as relevant to your brand and your industry. It has to incorporate your brand in there somewhere, or it is just you talking into a microphone for fun (which is also great, but not what we’re trying to do here.) Think of a podcast just like you would any other piece of your content marketing strategy—do your fair share of planning, target a specific audience, and engage them in the content you are producing.

Lastly, this is just for fun. If want to start listening to podcasts, you have come to the right place. Here are five of my favand why I love them:

  1. And That’s Why we Drink: The podcast that got me into podcasts. Now, I know that true crime and paranormal activity isn’t for everybody, but it is for me. The ladies of ATWWD (Em and Christine) are so personable and make murder and ghosts as fun as you probably can.
  2. Wine and Crime: Another similar podcast like the one above. I haven’t dived too deep into this one, but it is also wonderful.
  3. Slow Burn: Oooooh, I love this one. I think I binged this one in a weekend. It is about two political scandals in America’s history—season one Watergate and season two is the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky affair. I learned so much from this.
  4. Soul Sugar: This podcast is described as “sugar for your soul,” and that is exactly what it is. Carrie discusses all things self-love, self-care, and provides a little inspiration every Sunday.
  5. Rise: Now, I just started this one last week, but I have become quickly obsessed. The host, Rachel, provides business and personal development insight and she is just a wonderful lady. Definitely recommend.

One Year Celebrations

If you have been following us literally anywhere, you know that this month marks one year of Ment Cowork! Yay! We had such an amazing time celebrating our one year anniversary last week and we’re carrying that excitement into this work week. If you weren’t able to celebrate with us, here is a recap!

First off, our actual anniversary is June 13, so last Thursday. Our day started with cake and donuts and who doesn’t love those things?! We also had a lunch for our members to help us celebrate! 

Friday was a big day: We offered #ComplimentaryCoworking on Friday! Our space was open for the day to the public. A free coworking day allowed for people in the community to what Ment is about and promote our brand to the public even more! Also on Friday was a Ment-sponsored beergarden at Spencer’s Coffee with food from the BG Cheese Wagon (I am still thinking about my macaroni melt.)

It was great to be able to celebrate all that Ment has accomplished in just a year and to anticipate all that is to come! We have so many exciting things happening soon so make sure to keep up to date on all things Ment! ?


How to Turn Your Side Hustle into a Full-Time job


More and more people have been turning to doing something on the side, along with their typical 9-to-5 job (cue the classic Dolly Parton.) Sometimes the income from one job just isn’t cutting it anymore or you are deciding to follow a deep-seeded passion of yours. A side-hustle may start just as such, but then may turn into a business of its own.

Leaving a seemingly steady job to embark on a business that is all your own can be invigorating, but also quite scary. Think about if you are willing to give up possible benefits and follow your heart’s desire. Of course, make sure you have enough income built up to live on beforehand. Are you making enough money with this side hustle to justify the leap? Don’t take the jump until you are fully ready and committed!

When starting out, you probably just want to reach as many people as you can through whatever means necessary, and I totally get that. But, just like any business, it is best to find your target market and stick to them. They will allow you to find your niche and decide what works and what doesn’t. Focus on what works. This could be through social media, traditional ads, or however you reach your consumer base. After the target market is met, branch out to those who might normally participate in your business. That is how to grow.

Time is money, especially as a fresh entrepreneur. Know that it’s on you to make things  happen but do not to spread yourself too thin: it’s a balance. Take breaks when you need them, do a little self-care, and then get back in the groove. I know it might be about making the most money at first, but soon it won’t be.

Being on your own in this capacity, you are probably wearing more than one hat: owner, HR, sales, and probably more. If you are feeling overworked and overwhelmed trying to get your business off the ground, break down your tasks into smaller ones and check them off of your list one by one. Seeing each item get ticked off makes you feel more accomplished and you will feel more productive! This builds up your own accountability. It is all on you and you can’t rely on any superiors to tell you what to do. Do what is best for you and your business.

This is one of my favorite tips that I have probably included in almost all my blog posts, but it is important! Ask for help! We as humans are not meant to do anything alone. When you are putting yourself in a vulnerable place such as starting your own business, know that it will be hard, but surround yourself with people who wish to see you succeed. Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely experience, especially if you are doing everything on your own. Get to know people in the same line of work as you. Understand them as people beyond the competition. They are competition is some aspects, but take what you can learn from them and apply it to what you do.

Stepping away from the familiar 9-5 can be daunting, but if you are truly ready, don’t let that hold you back. Take the leap of faith, and your wallet might thank you down the line!