Moving Your Body and Mind

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Do you realize that exercise and movement are in fact not always the same? Movement comes in many forms. There’s the physical type, of course, but then there’s the type that requires making personal progress in our lives; the kind that might not be visible to the eye but still requires much effort. This is why movement is also one of our favorite –ment words. 

The more simple definition of movement is described as a change or development. This could possibly be the best definition in my opinion. Why? Because the meanings are endless.  


Physical movement   

Yes, physical movement is important. Exercise is oftentimes based on the movements we already do in our daily lives. Things like walking, starting the lawnmower, squatting to reach your cooking pans, etc. It sounds pretty basic and to be honest – it is. But that’s the point!

It’s not always about burning calories, it’s about giving our bodies the attention they need. Weightlifting and running are great, but we forget about the smaller things that we can do as well. Things such as working on your posture by sitting on barstools or on the floor (I’ve been doing this a lot lately and it definitely draws focus on how your body is positioned). Stretching frequently and taking non-strenuous walks can also be a good option. 

Living a rather sedentary lifestyle isn’t uncommon these days and especially so when the word “quarantine” has become a casual thing. But research shows that the less active we are, the less active our minds are. This can lead to mental health struggles such as anxiety and depression. 


Movement in life

This one might be rather non-traditional, but it is definitely a thing. 

Be active. Not just physically, but in the things you do daily. Move towards the things you want. Be active in the journey towards accomplishing your goals. Set goals. Work towards them. Do little things. Whatever you do, don’t stop!

A part of what allows us to get to where we want to be in life is the people, places, and attitudes we surround ourselves with. We have the choice to actively seek out what we need in order to grow. As we said before, the opportunities are endless. 

We like to see everyone moving forward in life and how + where you work should not be what holds you back. That’s why we created a space with the freedom to move as you please, both in life and from one downtown Bowling Green hotspot to the next.



Progress comes from movement. You will never get anywhere if you don’t take that next step. We are here to take those steps with you, beside you, or carry you up to them if need be! You’re making big moves and so are we. Let’s do this. 


DIY Workouts

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Goodbye traditional ways of working out, hello getting creative and DIY workouts. There is no denying that the new norms we have been forced to adapt to have brought about some disruption. However, it’s never too late to bring some normalcy and structure back into your life. Getting active and exercising is the perfect way to do this. Whether you’re still stuck at home or transitioning back to office life, we’ve got some ideas that should fit into the lifestyles of just about everyone. If you thought you needed a gym membership or fancy equipment, think again!


Get moving – at home

Got kids? No problem! Incorporate your little ones into the workout. I guarantee they will have a ball with it. Make it a family thing and bring everyone into it! 

Play a game. Make your workout a little more fun or rewarding. Grab a deck of cards, assign an action to each one and the number on your card is your number of reps! Try to get through the whole deck or challenge someone else. 

Gather up those household items. Creating our own home weights since…well the 2020 pandemic I guess. I’m not even going to lie and say I don’t have at least three college textbooks lying around that never got any use…until now! I’ve been hearing that water jugs can really up the challenge also. 

Bed stretches. Yep, it’s a thing and you’ll love it. Not having to get out of bed for this one, or better yet – already completing something before even putting your feet on the ground. That’s my kind of time management

Get involved. If we haven’t all learned by now, 2020 has gone remote. There are so many great ways to stay in touch with others during this time. From Zoom to Instagram Live, and even Facetime, group workouts are all great options. If nothing else, you can always watch past videos from most of these events so if you miss a workout, you can go back and find it! 

Our community partner Bowling Green Backyard Bootcamp has been doing just this for all of their bootcampers. Head coach and owner Allison Millet has classes for all types of workouts every day of the week! Affordable prices, perks, and a coach who knows how to keep in touch and engage with their audiences – That’s what we like to hear! Many of our members are taking advantage of their Ment member perk this week and are attending a series of FREE workout classes (some, maybe even as we speak.) 

Get moving – at the office

Office stretches. That’s right, you can do them at your workplace too. Most of us probably already are because let’s face it – sitting in a chair all day makes for the perfect way for your body to get stiff. Do you know how many modern-day offices I’ve seen with a yoga mat in the corner? I’m telling you, people are catching on! Taking a five-minute break and sitting on your phone at the desk OR simply standing up and moving a little to get your body back into alignment. It’s no longer a tough choice for me! 

Leg/arm lifts. If it’s something you’re already doing in the gym or at home, why not do it at the office! Bring those small hand weights with you in your work bag or grab a paperweight or stapler from the desk and build a little muscle while you check emails or watch that new training video your boss sent you. 

Take the stairs. This may not be for everyone but it definitely is an option. It requires discipline, I’ll admit, but it will be worth it when you get one step closer to meeting your goals! It’s a sure-fire way to get in some cardio at the workplace. 

Wall/desk workouts. There are really endless options for this one. From squats to wall push-ups to everything in between, all you really need is your desk chair and the four walls you’re already sitting in! Fair warning: shutting the office door and/or blinds may yield better results and prevent an office audience outside your window, but that one is up to you! 

Stand-up Meetings. I used to think this was a crazy idea. Standing up for an entire meeting? But then I realized in my 9 -5 job as a cashier, sitting down isn’t even an option. So actually I’ve just been training for this one! But seriously – sitting in a chair all day? It’s overrated. There are actually a ton of benefits to doing this in the workplace. Did you know it also improves productivity? If there was something you could do to think better – wouldn’t you? 


Make it a good one!

Sure our year may be looking a little different than we intended, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make the best of it by getting creative with ways to maintain an active lifestyle. Maybe you have become a bit of a couch potato here lately? You’re not alone! But it’s never too late to re-spark that motivation that you had and make 2020 the year that you planned it to be. We haven’t forgotten about our 3:59s and if you never made a new year’s resolution, it’s never too late to set a goal (or a few) for yourself! 

If you thought Ment Cowork was just an office, we’re here to remind you that we are a community first and foremost. We’ve got the space to roll out your yoga mat, roll your workout ball in or anything else your heart desires. Don’t be a stranger, we are here and we are open! 

Interning Through a Pandemic

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As an intern during my first ever “PR gig,” it’s been a time to be alive. I’ve learned quite a bit about what my future PR job may consist of, but needless to say, nothing has prepared me quite like working in the midst of a worldwide pandemic

The biggest thing I have learned to do: adapt. 

I thought I knew what this meant. You plan out all of your posts (I heart you Hootsuite) and change them a little as you go. Trending topics? You write a blog on them of course. You plan out this really cute post about how it is a beautiful day outside – and then it ends up raining on that day. Bummer but no biggie right? You exchange a few words and replace “sunny” with “rainy” and voila! 



But then “disaster” strikes *cue the scary sound effects* and you are forced to redo months’ worth of content. All of that hard work, all of the well thought out content and photos that you took and they are now gone. It’s another few days behind the computer rethinking everything. Canceling the event you were working so hard on and living on the internet as you now go into “crisis mode.” 

You’re now producing emails that are as compassionate but also as immediate as you can to send to clients, customers, and community members. Posting on social media constantly and updating the public on how you are taking precautions and what this means for you all as a business (even though you’re still figuring it out yourselves). 

I probably made this sound awful, but the reality? It woke me up quickly to what the PR world is really like. Did it scare me? A little. But did it send me running? Definitely not. As they say – you have to see something in its darkest moments to really love it right? Well, PR…I still love you. 

In a perfect world where I love to have everything planned out and know what to expect, this was not ideal for me but like many other things, we must ADAPT. And so I did just this. 

In fact, it kicked my but into gear. I was more motivated than ever to turn this into my opportunity to create something new and different. It presented me with a challenge and if nothing else, gave me a reason to still get out of bed early during this whole quarantine life. 


What it taught me

A few keywords and phrases to describe what has been proven to be the most important: 

Adapting, innovation, creativity, set yourself apart, communication and crisis communication, determination, quick on your feet, don’t give up, teamwork, ideas ideas ideas (that’s one phrase) and growth…just to name a few. 

So with all of this being said, I am choosing to turn all of this into a “good” thing…after all, that’s what we’re all trying to do right? To find the good in all of this madness? So when someone asks me how my first ever public relations internship went my answer will be – hectic. 

After a strange look, I will follow with “insightful.” I learned how to adapt, and re-evaluate and more than anything – to grow. So when I have my next interview and someone asks that dreaded “tell me a time when you had to solve a problem and how did you do it?” question, you can guarantee I will have an answer for that one! 

Who knows, this could just be my “leg up” in the world of public relations.  

Needless to say – I am currently trying to figure out how to add “Ment Cowork Digital Media Intern (and kicking butt during a pandemic)” to my resume. Subtle right? 


Here’s the hard part

Oh, did I mention my time at Ment Cowork has come to an end? That’s right guys, I am parting ways with my new favorite Bowling Green space and one that will always be in my heart. From creating my first official press release and campaign plan to being part of planning events, building relationships, and creating content, I am more confident moving toward a future in PR. I even reinvigorated my passion for writing through my newfound love of blogging! 

Ment Cowork and my amazing community manager Hayley Kruth inspired me to keep improving and pushing toward what I love. Our building owner JD has shown me what can happen when you truly put 110% into everything you do. My time at Ment has inspired me to better myself, my brand, my image, and everything in between! 

As I figure out what my summer (post-pandemic) looks like, I will then be finishing my last year of college to receive my double major in photojournalism and public relations, and as always, making my own opportunities as I go along. 

On the other hand, our fellow Ment Marketing intern, Sarah Tipton (round of applause for all of her amazing work this semester as well!) will be taking over for me in the following weeks as the new digital media intern this summer. Get ready for some more amazing content and keep your eyes open for what happens next. The world of work as we know it is about to change and I cannot wait to see how Ment Cowork thrives.  


See ya later Ment!  


Feel free to keep up with me via social! 

Working {Not} from Home

As this whole pandemic thing nears an end, it’s safe to say that we all have mixed emotions about working from home… or working {not} from home.

Face it: you’re stir crazy but also comfortable. You want to get out but you don’t want everything to go back to the way it was. We’ve had a taste of this whole modern work-life practice and we’re kinda liking it. 

You’re lying if you say that you don’t enjoy your only morning commute being a walk to the living room, your work attire being PJs, and your office chair being your couch. 

But let’s also not ignore the importance of having some structure in our lives. Having a place to wake up and come to that is your own (and not the same place that’s five feet away from where you sleep) can be a good thing. 

We need a place that’s right for our physical and mental health. Perhaps a place where your kids aren’t screaming “mommy” every five seconds or your boss isn’t constantly popping in your office to ask about that deadline that you’re already well aware of. 

Welcome to coworking.

In case you forgot, we are a modern, comfortable space that gives you the freedom to work how you please. Whether it’s a temporary place to hang your hat on the weekends or a permanent fix to all your office needs, we’ve got you.


But how?

Lately, we’ve been hearing a lot of “what ifs” and “hows” surrounding the coworking industry. So what do we have to say about it? We’re gonna be alright! In fact – maybe even better than before. The important thing is that we are all using this to learn about how we can improve. 

We are coming out of a worldwide pandemic, guys – something that will be in the history books one day. Like all major life events, we must learn and adapt.

Our hopes are that the pandemic may even shape the way we all work in the coming future. 

Working full-time remotely is HARD. Working full-time in person 9-5 Monday through Friday is HARD. It’s exhausting and it leads to quickly becoming burnt out. If we want to succeed…if we want to truly provide the best work environment for our employees, we will need to make some adjustments. If we as workers want to achieve the best work-life balance, it’s going to take some adjustments. 


Call it a comeback

With everyone itching to get back out, host those events and workshops they missed out on, and have their meetings IN PERSON we have got a space ready for you! Some of us may be on the hunt for a new job or new connections after being secluded for so long. It’s time for new opportunities right?! 

We’ve got the hookup here with a space that lets you interact with people of all workplaces. You never know who might be in our office from day-to-day. Maybe you’ve been talking to your pets a little too much recently? Come in and talk to us! (Our beloved office Goldendoodle or Bearded Dragon may even make an appearance from time to time.) 

We’re coming at you straight out of quarantine with some even fresher ideas, a positive outlook, and a whole new level of appreciation for our community and the meaning of togetherness. 

We may not have had much of a say…but regardless, we have all tried something new lately. We weathered the storm together and now we can no longer say that we are reluctant to try this new, “unheard” of thing called coworking. Here’s to a new age of working! 

Mental Health 101


It’s your intern Hannah coming back at you guys with one last blog on mental health before I hand it over to Sarah for the rest of summer!

Mental health awareness month couldn’t have come at a better time. A worldwide pandemic, self-isolation, gloomy weather, and boredom = the perfect cocktail for a lack of motivation and a spike in poor mental health. We want to make sure that you guys stay on track with what the CDC has been called being kind to your mind.


Taking back control

I’ve been seeing so many social media posts and memes saying things like “why did I even buy a 2020 planner?” I have to say I have been feeling like that a lot lately too. But then it hit me. This doesn’t mean that I have to stop planning or looking forward to things. All storms will pass and this won’t last forever.                       

So why do I have to stop doing something that gave me such a sense of normality? We may not have much going on right now but the things we do shouldn’t be any different than before. Write it down in your calendar. Keep making to-do lists. Take control over the things you can. 


What does mental health look like?

It looks different for everyone. There is no handbook on how to care for yourself. For some of us, it means carving out more time for ourselves, finding happiness in the “little things,” taking more moments to practice gratitude, or simply remembering to breathe. I will be honest – it’s a little of all the above for me! 

I’m not going to make the usual basic list of things you need to do to take care of yourself because let’s be honest, only YOU know what you need to do. YOU know you best. But there are a few things some of us often forget are an option sooo…oh look at that, I am making a list after all. 

Be open with yourself and others. I know – easier said than done. 

Be mindful. Become aware of your situation and focus on the present. Simply be aware that you are aware – if that makes any sense? I just started this book and I highly recommend it! 

Eat healthy and be active. It sounds like the overworn cliche but I can guarantee it’s not! Our community partner Allison Millet acknowledges mental health with just as much importance as physical health and encourages everyone to find their balance. It doesn’t mean running a marathon, it just means adding a little more movement into your routine. 

Interact or recharge. These are complete opposites but also go hand in hand! There’s an interesting theory behind the personality types:  For my fellow introverts out there, spending too much time with others can cause us to feel drained and we need time to recharge in order to be at our best. For others, interaction leads to thriving and they need to be around others to be at their best. Both of these are okay. Just do what is best for you. Ment Cowork is a pretty even mix of both so you shouldn’t have trouble fitting in here! 

Create a routine. For some of us, it’s been all work and for others, it’s been nothing but play. Neither of these is “healthy.” It’s about that balance. Create a schedule for yourself and stick to it. Set some goals but don’t overwork yourself either. Find a reason to “get out” and get into a different space

Create the perfect environment. Ever see a room with the perfect amount of natural light and your mood goes from 0 to 10? It’s a thing! From plants and skylights to cozy nooks and books – open coworking lounges to private office spaces, you know what you need and we’re here to make it happen. 


Struggling is normal

With the especially trying times here lately, many of us have experienced the blues. And That. Is. Okay. 

And if this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that it really is those small things that make an impact on us. When all this was going on, was it the big trips, vacations and shopping sprees that brought us joy? Nope. It was time with our families, brewing coffee every morning, and having time to finish that book that made us look at things a little differently. 


But most of all…

We simply wanted to stop in and say that you are not alone. If you read one of our latest blogs on the reopening of cowork spaces during the pandemic, you’ve probably gotten a good idea of the direction we are heading with our current take on the situation. With that being said, whether it’s coworking or anything else in life, finding the perfect medium really is the key. 

Whether you’re jumping up and down to get back out into the world or hesitantly watching from afar, we will be here – ready when you are, to help you get back on track. 


Take care of the world by taking care of yourself.

-a Hannah Vanover original quote

Let’s Move Into May

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From a few backyard workout sessions to a community-wide movement, our latest community partner Allison Millet of Bowling Green Backyard Bootcamp has taken her business from her home to all around the Bowling Green community.

We could all use a little extra motivation right now and that’s where our fitness friend Allison Millet comes in!

“There are ways that we can all have more movement. It’s about finding ways to focus on you.” 


About Allison

Allison has been a coach for over 20 years and has taken her passion for fitness to the next level since the start of her backyard workouts in 2010. 

What started as a small group of people began to grow until the lot beside her home was no longer sufficient. She soon found herself asking, “Now what?” 

Millet now holds classes at multiple parks and locations throughout the community and has an inside gym location during winter months. 

Backyard Bootcamp is made up of a team of coaches all offering their own set of classes from yoga and stretching, to classes designed specifically for glutes, abs, upper body, and more, along with mash-up and all-encompassing workout classes. Basically, if you need it, they offer it! 

The classes are focused on helping bootcampers find the best version of themselves that they can be – one that is healthier and happier. 


Working out your mind

As we know, it’s mental health awareness month so we’re all trying to focus on our health a little more here lately, right? Did you know practicing a little extra movement can be just the way to do that?! No, I promise this isn’t a gimmick to make you put down the wine glass and hop on the treadmill – it’s me simply reminding you that getting up and getting out (in your front yard or on your yoga mat that is) may be just what the doctor ordered. 

“It’s a stress reliever… working out releases those happy endorphins,” says Allison. 

Studies show that we’re not lying guys! You’re hearing this straight from the mouth of someone who can barely touch her toes most days, so believe me when I tell you that having a little extra time on my hands lately to practice yoga has been an excellent relief for me. The best part is? You don’t even have to be good at it! You just have to do it.  


Making it happen

Allison also spoke on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle by doing things such as practicing healthy eating habits and enjoying the simple things in life like spending time with family and being in the moment. 

The local business owner has not let the current circumstances get the best of her. When regulations were put in place, she was quick to adapt and switch to an online format for all of her classes. Allison stays connected mainly via Facebook with a group page specifically for those who are members or what she calls “bootcampers.” All calendars and weekly challenges are now online and can be found on the calendar on her website.

Classes are offered on a 6-week basis allowing people to sign up ahead of time and take part in the bootcamp experience. (Ment members — you guys are in for a treat!) As of right now, all community members are invited to join the classes at any time. Another perk with the new format: bootcampers currently have access to the online “vault” of all previously recorded classes, allowing everyone to work out on their own time. 

For more details (trust me you’re gonna want to see all of the awesome things she is doing) check out her website and start moving toward a better you! 


Moving on up (and hopefully outside) 

We’re moving in a direction of our own here at Ment Cowork. One that includes taking steps to get back on track as a bit of normality creeps back into our daily routines. Here’s to hoping, better yet knowing, that our partner Allison can help us out with this one! Whether we’re fighting the daily struggles of COVID-19 or fighting to shed those pesky pounds, success is just a kick, punch, and a few “you can do it!”-s away.

Communication is Key


Crisis communication: It’s something that none of us want to think about but it is necessary.

If there’s one thing we in the business world have learned in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, it’s the importance of communication. Although we already had a pretty good lock on this, we learned how to take it up a notch (or few) when “crisis” occurred. 

As an intern during my first ever “PR gig,” it’s been quite a time to be alive. (Don’t worry I’ve got a whole blog post planned on how this has been an experience for me.) But a few things I will say have become an area of focus for me: preparation and communication.

Keeping your clients and customers, employees, and the public informed is crucial to remaining successful during times like this. If you have the mindset of “it can’t happen to me,” guess what? You’re wrong and it will

“The days of playing ostrich – burying your head in the sand and hoping the problem goes away – are gone.” Jonathon Bernstein, crisis management professional. 


A few tips: 

Prepare. Anticipating what may come is always the best first step. While it may be impossible to know what will happen and when it is even more of a reason to develop a general plan. When and if disaster does strike, at least you will be ahead of the game. 

Communicate. People want to know what’s going on, how you’re handling it, and what that means for them. You may not even know yet yourself, but the sooner you face the music, the better it will be. Ignoring your situation or putting it off will surely dig you deeper into a whole. Be honest. Be clear. And be upfront. Admit that it has/will change some things and you are doing your best to deal with it.

Over Communicating does not exist during a crisis. Share often and share as much as you know. People want to know that they are not alone and need to stay informed. More than likely, they won’t care if your video isn’t the best quality – they care that you took the time out of your day to make something addressing the situation and letting them know that you are there for them. This is what people will remember you for. 

Values. What better time to reinforce those values than now? (Hince our current theme for this month.) If you were thinking this was a way to throw everything out of the window and start running – you’re looking at it all wrong. Stand up and show the public eye (who is already watching even closer than before) what you stand for. If your values are in the right place, then it shouldn’t be hard to tie them to what you stand for

Compassion. Telling someone something that is truly earth-shattering is one thing, but having no regard for how it may impact them? That is catastrophic. Acknowledge the situation and the severity of it. Of course, you don’t want to cause panic but you also don’t want to sweep it under the rug. Offer your sincerity for the situation at hand and offer your support to them from your company. Maybe you can volunteer or offer fundraising support? Maybe you can donate equipment or supplies during this time? Even offering discounts or sales during this time can show that you care.  

Relevance. Make your changes – then communicate AGAIN. The last thing you want to do is have one of your pre-scheduled social media posts go out about how great the economy doing in the midst of a crisis. Make sure you keep an eye on your content and change it to fit the situation. There’s simply no way of getting around this one. You WILL need to create more content and probably scratch or rearrange a lot of it as well. 


Ment Cowork

We are no different from this world of crisis communication. For us, it meant restructuring our social media and blog content and reaching out to our members to keep them updated as we went. We contacted our community partners to develop plans moving forward and developed alternative ways to offer our services and perks to our members. 

Developing additional communication formats including an Instagram group and Slack channel, as well as weekly emailed newsletters for our members and weekly zoom meetings for staff was a transition but it is paying off. Lastly, we developed a campaign and Facebook group to encourage community support during this time. The possibilities are endless. It’s all about taking a route of action that best suits you. 


Getting Specific

I know – it’s a lot to take in. If you’re in a hurry, we’ve compiled a list to keep it short and sweet. Here are some of the best ways to follow crisis communications:

-Develop a crisis management plan

-Monitor social platforms and trends.

-Enact a crisis communications team and/or spokesperson.

-Communicate with staff members – make sure they understand the plan and are on the same page.

-Address the public (speeches, conferences, social media, etc.) 

-Develop holding statements. 

-Restructure content as needed.

-Reinforce or lockdown company values during this time.

-Offer compassion and understanding.

-Communicate, communicate, communicate. 


During a crisis, there are two types of people: the ones who go silent and the ones who get louder. 

Let’s be honest here – when this pandemic is over, are you going to the businesses that stayed silent or the ones that fought hard and loud to come out of it? My bet is on the ones who fought. They wanted it bad and they knew how to handle the situation…or maybe they didn’t, BUT they learned and they fought – and that’s what we all want to see. They were the ones making sure their products were still provided to you. And that makes all the difference in my book.

Building a foundation for your business

Branding. It’s the foundation of your business. It’s the way your customers perceive your business and more importantly, how they perceive YOU. 

Everything from your website, logo, and the work you produce, to your personality, customer service, and mission, is a part of your brand. Without it, you have no direction – nothing to build off of. 

Why branding? 

Identity. It’s as simple as that. You have to know who you are, what you stand for, and what you will bring to the table if you expect to bring people in your doors (or to your website). Once you know, others will know and they will start to recognize it. 

Uniqueness. Set yourself apart from others! You are the only one who can do what you’re doing the way you do it. Whether you’re running a photography business (in the day and age where seemingly everyone seems to be doing it) and want people to know why they should choose you or you’re an underwater basket weaver (trust me you’re gonna need to be “branded” for that too!) the point is that you are YOUnique. Is that cheesy? Oh well, it’s true! So why not have a brand that represents that? 

Direction. A brand is truly a road map of sorts. Be intentional and set clear goals for who you are, what you stand for and how you plan to achieve that. Consistency is key and it helps you and/or your employees gain better insight to provide the best service and let your customers know what to expect. 

*Bonus points if you know what all three of these equal? Answer: Shared Values

That’s right, it all brings us back to those good ole things called values. It’s a part of your -wait for it – BRAND. 

Say it louder Leona! Our community partner Leona Morelock knows all about this. 

“You don’t just buy the product, you buy the person.” 

What does that mean? It’s about more than what you offer, it’s about what you stand for and what you’re representing. Make connections with your audience. Be that person that people choose time and time again. Be that business that is picked out of a lineup. 



So let’s put this into perspective for ya: At Ment, you are not just buying office space. Yes – that’s what brought you through the doors, but you are also buying an experience, a community, peace of mind so to speak. You are entering a space where you are not just a customer but a member. Your coming into a place of collaboration and support

A place that gives you the freedom to choose the option best fit for you to work and give you the resources to succeed. I know, I know, it didn’t say all of that on your member sign-up form but to be honest, we probably wouldn’t be able to fit everything on there if we told you all about us.

Our story: Let’s just say we knew it was ‘Ment to be’ from the start. 

If you think you don’t have a brand, think again. Chances are you’ve already been asked (and answered the question) time and time again. When someone says “tell me about yourself” or “what is your business?” they might as well be saying “Describe your brand to me.” 

You already know who you are – now go show it to everyone else! 

The Perfect Environment – Going Above and Beyond


We know that environment makes all the difference in your work-life balance and that’s why it’s the second of our core values. Something that we aren’t straying from during these times. 

“So many people are getting caught up in all of the chaos and forgetting to go back to their roots,” Ment Cowork owner JD Haase enlightens us.

That’s why we are sticking true to what we know and bringing you the info that you NEED to hear. We definitely put focus into how we can make our Ment home a thriving community, but it’s also much more than that. 

Our current COVID-19 pandemic has caused many to shift their way of thinking and areas of focus in their lifestyles, workplaces and beyond. Cool hangouts and fun perks are great but now it’s also about looking at “how can this place contribute to my mental and physical health?” While many are now considering how they can effectively make their environments safer and promote healthier living, we were ahead of the game when we started here at Ment. 

The most important thing in time of crisis – preparation. While some simply see these little things as advancements, we see them as precautions and care for our members. Things like touchless lights and faucets to advanced HVAC and cleaning care routines. 

Our forward thinking building owner and real estate developer JD Haase had truly thought of it all before allowing the city’s first ever coworking environment to open its doors. Haase’ prior experience in the food industry made him more aware of the precautions that needed to be taken in the business world today. 



Going All In

Our staff discovered the potential of Ment Cowork – a true definition of a diamond in the rough, when JD said the building had spoken for itself. 

“The space let us know what it wanted…it sounds crazy but it was just wanting to come to life,” he said. 

New life was breathed into the space over a nearly two year span.

“It was a long process but we wanted to make sure that everything was up to par.” 

The renovations and additions to the building have made it modern, functional and safe and something that our staff believes will outlive us all. 

“I’ve never been one to sweep things under the rug,” said Haase. He spoke on the importance of doing something 100% or not at all.

“I don’t believe in grey. Things should be black or white, not in between.”


Main coworking lounge in Ment Cowork – before




Main coworking lounge in Ment Cowork – after


Location, location, location

For us, it hasn’t just about what was in our building, but what was outside as well. While many businesses are temporarily closed, we have seen a decent amount of traffic and downtown happenings here near 911 College St. Why is this? Because our area offers the best of traveling, convenience, and proximity to the square, ballparks and other walking paths as well as so many local businesses, shops and restaurants.  

If we haven’t realized by now, mental health is just as important. With Spring having arrived and going green and living healthy being a topic on everyone’s minds, many are finding their own ways to get out without “getting together.” This means taking a walk or simply getting some fresh air. That’s where a little sunlight, downtown views and location can make a world of difference.

One thing that I can almost guarantee we will all be a little more cautious about when this is all over? Distance! Call it luck but we’re not too worried about that either around here. From private office and dedicated desk options to our open coworking areas and floor plans, we’ve got this stuff down pat! *sigh of relief* 


Our Advice

Stay ahead of the game. Research. Find out what people are looking for in their ideal place of business.

Learn from the past. The mistakes of today will be the lessons of tomorrow…is that not a famous quote yet because I feel like I just made one?? This pandemic will change how we all operate our business models when doors are opened again. 

Stay aware. Keep your eyes and ears open to what people are talking about. Listen to what people want. Our needs and wants are shifting and will continue to do so. 

Most importantly – stay true to who you are. Are we perfect here at Ment? Well of course not but we are {ment} to adapt. We are taking notes and keeping up our usual creative flow of ideas to bring you all even more than we had before.


We can’t wait for you all to be back. See you on the other side! 

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Sticking True to Our Core Values

We made sure that we had a set of clearly defined core values in place for Ment Cowork before opening our doors to the public nearly two years ago. Without them where would we be? Probably still struggling to figure out exactly how we need to cater to our members and community. …ugh how awful that would be!

So in the midst of all the madness, we are reminding you that we haven’t forgotten what we are all about here.

Our Four Core


1. Membership: To place emphasis on people and their opportunities to interact with one another

Without our members, we wouldn’t be where we are today. As a member, you are more than just a customer, you are a part of a growing community and we aim to put value in that. We are a space that allows you to meet others, interact, work, attend and host workshops and events (and drink unlimited coffee!) all in the center of the city. Now that is a membership worth committing to (unlike my gym membership…RIP).


2. Environment: To harvest and focus on cultivating the totality of members surrounding conditions, friend to friend

Bringing Ment and community members together for fellowship and work spaces means they are getting a one of a kind (literally – we’re the only ones in Bowling Green!) experience. We continue to offer consistency with an eye pleasing aesthetic and office style that allows you to choose the best work area for you.


3. Nourishment: To provide an open space to live, create and thrive

Just like everything else in life, we need the time (and the place) to create, grow and thrive. Encouragement goes a long way, as does a smile and an uplifting atmosphere. A space that connects you with people and opportunities just might be what you need to nourish your mind, soul and career.


4. Commencement: To be a community where members self-select to begin each professional endeavor

At Ment, we know that you are {Ment} for great things and that’s why we started this place to begin with! Working shouldn’t have a specific set of rules – it’s all about freedom to do what you need to do in a way that best works for you. Doing so sets you on a path that allows you to make and build connections and become more productive. We can’t wait to see you succeed!



Sticking True

Not losing sight during this time is important. Make sure you know how to keep your company values inline. Here’s what we’re doing during COVID-19:

-Maintaining communication. We are staying in contact with the public and our members to keep them updated via social media, email and newsletters…did we mention virtual happy hours with our members? Yes please!

-Offering community support. It is our job to support and uplift other small businesses during this hardship. We are checking in on our local friends and even planning a virtual meet-up and collaboration session! (more details to come).

-Keeping our facilities clean. Safety is number one and that’s why we have cracked down on cleaning and reducing use of community shared products and items. One of our own members and favorite cleaning companies On Target Cleaning has been working extra hard for us lately!

-Continuing membership perks and community partnerships to allow us to keep bringing the best of Bowling Green to our Ment community (even from a distance).

-Adapting to changes and making the best of our situation with a smile on our faces and giving out tons of virtual hugs along the way.

-Most importantly, we are encouraging others to be as productive as possible while working at home and helping others realize that remote work has its perks. We know you don’t want to be stuck at home forever but also don’t want to go back to the office, so we’re reminding you that we are here when this mess clears up!


Researcher and business consultant Jim Collins speaks on the topic of creating the right values. His blog talks about the importance of sticking true to your values even in the time of (for example) an economic downturn. Sound familiar? During the current COVID-19 pandemic, we want our values to reign true and be both timeless and sustainable. How do you do this? By looking at what is really important in your business and make sure that you are focusing on your audience.

“It should be about what you can do for others, not what they can do for you,” says Leona Morelock, branding specialist and our current community partner.

Core Values are important and we are not straying from them anytime soon. Remember to stay positive, stay authentic and stay educated during these times on what you can do to continue to serve your clients, customers, members, etc. during these trying times.