
The Art of Coworking

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Since starting my internship, I can safely say that Ment Cowork has become a safe haven for me. A place in which I can be myself, express myself and simply “be.” Ment has mastered the art of coworking. Not a thing? We think it should be! 

The ability to bring together people from different backgrounds, companies, walks of life, and work in the same space with the same end goal in mind: to Get stuff done. It takes a special set of skills, that’s for sure. 

How we do it

Maybe it’s the awesome interns we have, the owners that first saw potential in this 130 year-old building, the ever-growing and supportive community in which we sit upon or the amazing members that have set up a “home” here at Ment. 

Not to mention, we have this whole community partner collaboration thing on lock. Didn’t know that we provide event space as well? You do now! Even more so, we are fans of local art and have nothing against housing work here at Ment. Just ask our community partner for this month – Slow as Folk!


We know what people want and we’ve got it down to a science. Member perks, discounts, coffee, parking passes and aesthetics – just call us the masters!

We are also super in touch with the concept of hygge here at Ment – something that we believe is an art of it’s own. We have learned to incorporate this feeling and lifestyle practice into our workspace…and the feedback has been nothing short of great!


We took a chance when we started with an empty floor and created something truly inspiring. Only a few years under our belt and we have become a masterpiece standing tall in the center of downtown Bowling Green. Ment represents so much more than just a space to work, we are an integrative community that advocates for all workplaces and individuals to do what they do best in a place that allows them to reach their potential. 

At Ment, we believe in the importance of art and want to provide an atmosphere where people feel invited to work in. Whether you’re inventing the next code for NASA or creating your latest masterpiece, we support you and all of your endeavors. You are {Ment} for great things! 

Want to know more about our story? Check out our blog on how community manager Hayley knew it was Ment to be. 

Goodbye Menternship

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As I spend one of my last days here at 911 college street, I am able to reflect on my time spent at Ment. Coming into this internship, I was unfamiliar with the coworking industry and the community that came with it. From the inspiring space to the empowering people, my time here at Ment has been nothing short of amazing. 


Between content creation and management, to organizing events and keeping in touch with other professionals in the community, I feel I have gained real world insight about the public relations industry as a whole. Being a mentern has given me knowledge that I can’t learn in a classroom and I am so thankful for the experience! I want to give a special thanks to Hayley, Valerie and JD for providing me with this opportunity. 


In just a few short weeks, I will be graduating and making the move back to Lexington, Kentucky to pursue my photography business full-time. I plan on implementing social media and creative writing skills that I have gained here at Ment into my own business. If you want to keep up with me, feel free to follow my social accounts at 


I hope that you all have enjoyed reading my blog posts over the course of the semester. I have loved being a part of this community and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for Ment Cowork! It’s not a goodbye, rather a see you later. 


I’m coming for you, big girl world.



Ment Insider Tour

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If you follow us on instagram, you are probably familiar with what our space looks like by now, However, several people who wonder to our blog have no clue who we are or what we offer as a coworking facility. Head to the link below to check it out and feel free to leave a review on what you think of our space in the comments!

The Newbie Pack in Review: The Spot BG

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You guys have heard us talk about our friends at The Spot before, however today we are bringing you in on our entire experience with them. Hayley & I looked up their class schedule and decided we were going to attend an upcoming yoga class. Upon viewing their website, we decided to YOLO it and purchased the student introductory offer, giving us 14 days of unlimited access for $49. 

If you’re like me, once you sign up for something it is so much easier to commit. It was even easier to be able to just walk across the street and get our classes scheduled for the following two weeks, one nearly every day. This was intimidating at first, being two formerly active, but crazy schedules allowing no room to exercise, women. But let me tell you, it was so worth it. 

We’re going to share some of our favorite classes below:

Power Vinyasa Yoga

We started the week off with Monday morning yoga at noon. This power yoga class was fast paced yet relaxing, energizing, and enabled us to break a sweat during the day to break up our usual routines. Yoga provides a nice brain break for all ages, and you can move at whatever speed you feel comfortable with. 

Boxing & HIIT 

Shew, this one will leave you feeling sore, in all the right ways. If you have any frustration to work off, this is the class for you! I love a challenge and feel so good afterwards. 

Reformer All Levels 

Hayley & I had never experienced a pilates class before and it is unlike any other workout. The reformer class is great for all ages! Jump boards are entertaining while working your legs and abs at the same time, and you can adjust the resistance as needed. Think trampoline while you’re laying down. 


I was unable to make it to this class, however Hayley received a head to toe workout using just her body as the weights. Once you figure out how to use the equipment, it truly feels amazing to use your own body to do the work – similar to yoga. Like many classes we went to, TRX will leave you feeling sore but accomplished. 


A personal favorite, because I needed a good butt kickin. As the lights go down and the music gets loud, spin allows you to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. Ment member Emily frequents Spin class and says her favorite part about the class is how Charolette the instructor pushes & motivates her. Emily tracks her scores through her Apple watch and is constantly working towards new goals. 

Aerial Yoga

This class was so much fun. Grab a group of your friends and head to aerial for a relaxing full body stretch and look cool doing it. Why just hangout when you can hang upside down? 

When you get stuck, it’s okay to laugh about it. 

And Lastly… Yin Yoga

The best way to end the two weeks was with Yin yoga. This class is peaceful, slow paced and allows you to relax your brain while getting a good stretch in. We call this adult nap time, and if we could do it every day we definitely would. 


Recap… Now unfortunately I found the Spot a little too late and move away from Bowling Green in two weeks *cue tears* however Hayley is looking into becoming a member! If you’re considering trying out the Spot, we say go for it! From the encouraging environment to the multiple different options for breaking a sweat, we can honestly say you owe it to yourself to give it a try!


6 Tips to Becoming an iPhone Photo Expert

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As a professional photographer, I am honestly amazed at the capability iPhones have to capture quality images. With different modes and filters, sometimes it can even be hard to distinguish an iPhone photo vs. a photo captured on a digital camera. I personally use iphone photos for all of my instagram stories and highlights. You can check out my shots on instagram here. Since we carry around our phones 24/7, we have the opportunity to create some pretty cool things. 


Have you ever looked back on your photos and thought, “What in the world was I thinking when I took this?” If so, this post is for you. I am offering some tips that will change the game for you iPhone photographers – AKA, almost everyone.


Slow down


First and foremost this is one of the biggest problems we face when taking pictures. A picture freezes a moment and captures it in time, so slow down and focus on that moment. Look at the screen while you are taking the photo and be aware of objects you are either putting in or cutting out. Once we do this, we avoid errors such as accidentally cutting grandmas head off. 


Tap the screen to lock focus


It’s true. We can get a lock on our focus simply by clicking the subject and holding down on the screen for a few seconds. You would be amazed at what this simple trick can do to change the quality of your iPhone photos. 


Zoom with your feet, not with your phone


This is possibly my favorite one. When you zoom with your iPhone, the quality is quite literally destroyed. If your images turn out pixelated and grainy, this is why. Next time you go to take a picture, zoom with your feet. Don’t be scared to get up close to your subject, you will thank me later.


Take advantage of the different shooting modes


As a photographer myself, I think this feature is so cool. You have the option to choose between a regular photo, portrait, square, panoramic, and even wide angle view on the new iPhone 11. Take into account what you are shooting and decide which mode would be best. For portraits, be sure to pull your subject away from the background to get the best depth of field. 


Get different Angles


Who said you had to be one and done? Don’t be scared to move around when you are taking photos with your iPhone. Get angles from up high and down low, up close and further away. Test out different options with your subject to see which ones you like best. It’s better to have too many to choose from than not enough. 


Use a preset


And lastly, the complete and total game changer: applying a preset. Also known as adding a filter on your photo which has the ability to change the entire look and feel. Check out free apps such as vsco, colourtone and lightroom to filter your photos like a #pro. Here’s an example of an iPhone photo with a lightroom preset below.

Use these tips and wow people with your next iphone photo. Happy shooting!


3 Tips to Break a Sweat


Don’t stay bundled up this season. 

It’s time to SWEAT

As the days get shorter and the temperature drops, it is easy to get trapped in a routine involving work, eat and sleep. Holidays are near and summer is long gone, so who needs to work out anyways, right? Wrong. 

I had the chance to sit down and talk with Loralee Stephens, owner of the Spot this past week to gain some tips and tricks when it comes to this thing called exercise and getting it done.

With over 18 years of of being involved through the industry from being a group aerobics instructor, personal trainer, fitness director, and club manager, Lauralee has experienced it all. She fell in love with the pilates method and has been a full time studio owner since 2006. 

To my surprise, Loralee said that just like everyone, she does not particularly always love or want to work out. However, when her alarm goes off at 3 a.m. she is excited to get up and start her day.

With these few tips, Lauralee has managed to have some of the same clients appear in her classes for 13 years. If you are stuck in a rut and can’t seem to get out of it, it’s time to make a change. Don’t just start 2020 on a good foot, end 2019 on a good one as well. 

And here’s how…

Have an accountability partner


Finding an accountability partner is so important. This is for the days that you just wake up and tell yourself, well maybe I’ll do it tomorrow instead and it slowly turns into a reptivite and vicious cycle. If you and your partner commit to holding one another accountable, you would be surprised what you can accomplish. Set goals together, workout routines, even dietary needs. 


Make a commitment 


Write out your workouts in your calendar and set specific time aside to accomplish them. Sign up for a class and pay for it ahead of time. Tell yourself you can do this. If you make exercising a part of your daily schedule, it will benefit your life in so many ways, both inside and outside of the office. 


Find a community


Lastly, and potentially the biggest one. Finding a community will take your experience to a whole new level. Join a gym or class that you are excited to attend, not only for the workout but for the people you get to see when you walk in the door. Find a community that will love you where you’re at but challenge you to grow. After all, we aren’t ment to walk through life alone.


Click here to purchase a 14 day unlimited class pass from the Spot for only $49. It’s time to get out and sweat!


Why Dogs Make the Best Companions

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If you haven’t had the chance to be loved by a dog, you’re doing it all wrong. Dogs are some of the best companions to go through life with and they are guaranteed to stick by your side through the good, the bad and the ugly. As cheesy as it may sound, dogs really do provide unconditional love. Even though we are all human and extremely far from perfect, you will never do wrong in your pups eyes. 


Now let’s talk about all of the ways a dog could benefit your life…


They are always willing to do whatever you want- 

Dogs are so excited to just be with you. Wanna go on a walk? Spend a few hours in the office? Drive around town? Have a lazy day spent on the couch? Whatever the task may be, they are right there next to you feeling so thankful to be included in your life. 


They will reduce your stress at work-

Pets remind people to step away from the stress of the world and provide a temporary distraction including laughter and positivity. Studies have actually proved that pets have calming effects, reduce blood pressure, lower stress and make employees more productive. Can’t bring your pet to work? They will be the first one to greet you at the door to welcome you home when you get off. As soon as you give them a reaction, the worries of work will fade, at least momentarily. 


At Amazon’s headquarters in Seattle, nearly 6,000 pups share a workspace with their humans. Amazon has a good thing going. But are we really surprised…they always are ahead of the game. We are pet friendly here at Ment and it brightens our day to see furry friends walk in the office. 


They provide unconditional love-

Even when we don’t deserve it, dogs will be there to love us unconditionally. Without even using words, they are there for you even if no one else is. Dogs know our emotions and want to celebrate when we are excited, and cuddle up close by when we are sad. Dogs believe in their humans. What more could you ask for? 


All About the Benefits of a Day Pass. Try it For Yourself!

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If you are scrolling through our site, you are probably familiar with the amenities Ment Cowork has to offer. But have you heard about our day pass or thought about the endless opportunities it could serve you? If you are working in business, quit scrolling and take a few minutes to find out how you could improve. 

For just $25 a day, you can come and work on the second floor of 911 College Street, distraction free. With access to a soundproof phone booth, a conference room and a variety of thoughtfully designed work spaces, Ment offers the amenities to make you look and feel top of the line. Rather than meeting in that overcrowded coffee shop or trying to find some peace and quiet while on your next conference call, give the day pass a chance and find out how much work you could really be getting done. At the end of the day, time is money. I’d say we all can appreciate the value of both of those. 

How much money could you make with out $25 day pass? Don’t ask us…ask a few of our frequent day pass attendees. 

Skylar Wooden, owner of Wooden Writes: “I’m able to do 100% of my work from home. But, working from home sometimes comes with distractions, making it more cost-effective to work outside of the house (e.g. a coffee shop). Though I work in coffee shops often, I cannot have successful client calls with all of the loud chatter. So, buying day passes has allowed me to be in a quiet space with access to a phone booth. The space is also beautiful, so any time I’ve needed branding photos for either of my websites, I’ve had them taken at Ment; I bought a day pass for that as well.”

Kirsty Washam, owner of Fed Up Pharmacist:The Ment Cowork day pass is perfect for my growing business. It gives me a quiet & professional space to work and meet clients. And all of my clients have had wonderful things to say about Ment! I’m thankful Bowling Green has a wonderful space like this.”


Click here to purchase a day pass and take your business to the next level. 


Community Over Competition: Breaking it Down

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Community over competition. We’ve heard it a thousand times, we preach it, but sometimes it can be hard to believe it. Fear gets in the way. We get it, we’ve been there and totally understand. 


Let me just say this for those in the back row who need to hear it: No matter the industry you’re in…saturated or not, you are needed. You are wanted! You have the potential to bring something to the table that no one else can simply for the reason that you are you. We were each created as unique individuals with a purpose, so find that purpose and chase the heck out of it. Quit comparing yourself to others and stay true to who you are. 


Okay, now that that has been said, I would just like to mention that there is nothing wrong with friendly competition. We all want to be the best, and to do so we must do our best, but in doing so that does not mean putting others down along the way. Rather than envying the person conquering goals next to you, compliment them. Learn from them and find what works for you. 


Find your people, the ones who will cheer you on but also let you know when you’re in the wrong. Now do the same for them! This community should inspire you for continued growth and if they aren’t…you should probably find new people. 


This is what coworking is all about. On the second floor of 911 College Street, we have graphic designers, engineers, leadership strategists, etc. We are cultivating a community full of a variety of small businesses who all share different strengths and weaknesses. 


Last week, women of all ages gathered together in our space to hear from life coach Kathryn Freeburg about what it really means to empower. Ment was a safe space full of positivity and love, something we strive for each and every day. 


At the end of the day, we are only human. Humans require positive interaction and a community to lean on. If you show up for your community and your clients, they will do the same for you. We are not ment to walk through this life alone. 


7 Things to Enjoy this fall in Bowling Green, KY

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Fall is in the air and if you’re like me, you know there’s nothing better than pumpkin spice scented candles, a good latte, fuzzy socks and flannels. As cozy as it may be to lounge around inside this season, we urge you to get out and enjoy the fresh crisp air, as well as all of the unique local activities Bowling Green has to offer. 


  1. Jackson’s Orchard Pumpkin Festival – Owned by a local family, Jacksons has been operating since 1969. Enjoy the orchard and all it has to offer from wagon rides to the pumpkin patch, a petting zoo, corn maze, face painting, etc. Don’t miss out on the caramel apples or cinnamon doughnuts, two of my personal favorites. 


  1. Attend a WKU football game – Football in the fall. Enough said. Check out the WKU schedule and see if there are any games you are able to attend in the following months. Enjoy tailgating and cheering on the tops this season! The homecoming game against Charlotte is October 19th. Make sure you mark your calendars for that one, you won’t want to miss it!


  1. Enjoy the local Bowling Green Bourbon & Brewfest – On October 26th, the Bowling Green ballpark will host its 5th year annual event with local distilleries and breweries, live music, food trucks and much more. They even offer designated drivers, how cool is that? Grab your friends and purchase a ticket here.


  1. Grab your girls and head to Gypsymoon Marketplace – This upscale pop up shop takes places at Highland Stables November 7th-9th. Vendors from all over offer a variety of vintage and handmade items. This event is one of my personal favorites and a great time to get ahead of Christmas shopping!


  1. Ready to jump into spooky season? Take a visit to Skeletons Lair, an outdoor haunted scream park located on Cemetery Road. Between the haunted woods, hayride, and house, you will most definitely be entertained. I’m not sure who invented paying money to be scared out of their mind, but honestly i’m here for it. 


Unable to make it to any of these events? Just go outside and enjoy a nice walk while the weather is nice. Take time to hang out with your friends and family and do something nice for yourself. You deserve it! Happy Fall!