Stop Using the Excuse “Too Busy”

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“Sorry, I can’t. I’m too busy,”  is a common excuse for people around this time of year. As things pick up, you try to find the time to slow down. Business professionals, students, stay at home mommas, I don’t care who you are. You have definitely pulled this excuse once or twice this season and if you haven’t, I applaud you. Like seriously, you’re a better person than I am. 


I’m not writing this post to judge or condemn you, because heck I am so guilty of this myself. I’m here to break down the definition “busy” and help apply it to our lives, so we don’t keep making the same silly mistakes. 


To be honest, we are all busy. Whether it be running our children around to their weekly activities, cramming for three tests the following week, or signing a contract regarding a financial business decision. But between these things, we all find ways to fill our free time like scrolling through facebook or watching our favorite netflix show. Not to say these are bad things at all, just pointing out this totally contradicts the excuse of being “too busy.” Busy is described as keeping yourself occupied, so today I ask you, what do you occupy your life with? Even the busiest people in the world find time for the people and things they care about. 


I don’t want to confuse this post with the importance of saying no. If something comes up that’s not important to you, let them know. It’s okay to say no, and in fact sounds a whole lot better than saying you’re too busy. It is extremely important to prioritize your life and make time for what is important to you. Next time you try telling someone you are too busy, rather stop talking and listen to them. Ask about the things that are going on in their life, and help find ways they can prioritize their situation. 

Remember, you woke up today to do great things. Do not underestimate yourself. I challenge you to stay positive during this busy season and lift up others, rather than make excuses for yourself.