About mentcowork
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud mentcowork contributed a whooping 19 entries.
Entries by mentcowork
Is Sale/Leaseback Right for your Company/Organization?
Similar to coworking, a concept that is being seen in larger cities now trickling down to the secondary markets is called sale/leaseback. However, the two stem from two totally different means to an end. Business owners who have immediate needs to be met that require operating capital can sell their property to a third party […]
The Middle: A Two-Year Reflection
As short as two years really is, it feels like another lifetime ago. We are in the middle of the ride. As we reflect and celebrate this anniversary, we thought it would be fun for me to take a trip down memory lane of my time spent inside 911 College Street as Ment’s Brand + […]
Tips for How to (Sanely) Work Remotely
For some of us, working remotely has already been a thing for years, but for others it’s a whole new concept. Many are now transitioning to a new way of working due to the rise of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and the precautions being taken. From major companies, media sources and universities world wide, we are being […]
Living Sustainably: College Edition
In true collaborative coworking fashion, we are handing the keyboard over to WKU sophomore Allison Cook who recently wrote on the topic of living sustainably. We’ve hit on ways you can be greener in your office, in our community and now we are including your (or your child’s) college lifestyle. We hope you enjoy this […]
The Power of Empower-Ment
Written by Pare and Flourish Co-Founders, Katie Butler and Skylar Wooden When asked what our “-ment” word was, it was obvious. Empowerment. From the start of Pare and Flourish, we had one mission in mind: to empower others. Through articles. Through close-knit conversations. Through panel discussions. And though it’s taken different forms, our mission […]
Getting Paid to Travel
There is such a craze around the idea of getting paid to travel. We get it, the Monday – Friday 9 to 5 jobs are not for everyone. “Location Independent Nomads” could possibly be one of my favorite titles and who knows, it could be your next one. However, if you’re not too into the […]
Are You a Lorax or a Once-ler?
Contributing Author: Ashley Brown A big Ment hello to all of you and thanks for checking in! First off, I would like to introduce another one of our talented interns, Ashley Brown who is a contributing author on this next post. Her job consists of all things Public Relations and as her first time on […]
Minimalism in Your Workspace
Written by: Emily Jones I Follow her on Instagram @emilyjones232 First off, let me introduce myself! My name is Emily and I am a brand-new intern here at Ment Cowork. I am in charge of the social media accounts for us and this is my first time on the blog! Since I have started interning at […]
The Where & The How You Love to Work
This week kicks off our office-crush campaign where we will be talking about where we love to work and how we love to work. The where and the how are more important than we sometimes realize. Not all great success start out in beautiful offices, the garage where Bill Gates invented Microsoft comes to mind, […]