A Little Q&A with Alison Taylor, Office-Crush Style

A few weeks ago, our intern Maddie sat down with Little Fox Bakery owner & our neighbor, Alison Taylor to ask her a few questions about our topic of office-crush style and what she defines her’s as. As we mentioned, one of our goals here at Ment being a coworking space is to be a link between creativity & community and Alison’s concept behind Little Fox and her favorite ment word fits right in. As an entrepreneur, she is taking her creativity, her ideas and putting them into the community through her passion of baking. If you have not been yet, go on and head over to 314 E Main Ave. and get yourself a macaroon. 

Q: What made you want to open a bakery?

I have worked in restaurants since I was a teenager. It was my first job ever and pretty much right away I fell in love with the food industry. Later, I fell in love with baking because the science of it and that it is very chemistry oriented, but also very creative at the same time.

Q: Can you explain what Little Fox means to you?

There are actually two answers. Little Fox is actually what I called my son when he was a baby. But in the bigger, broader picture, Little Fox is a business that allows me to take control of my life and also be in charge of what my day-to-day looks like.

Q: What makes Little Fox Bakery different than other bakeries?

What makes Little Fox Bakery standout is that we really try and be creative with our ingredients. We have hibiscus cupcakes or honey and jalapeño, these are flavors that you normally can’t find on other bakery and grocery’s shelves.

Q: This month we our displaying office-crush style. So what would you say your office-crush style is?

Well since my office is a kitchen, for me it is somewhere with a lot of counter space and storage.

Q: Do you know your enneagram number or Myers-Briggs? Do you think this reflects in your work life?

ENFP, which is basically the most introverted extrovert of the personality types. So ENFP known for being creative types, we are known to have really strong drives but also get bored easily. And I think that definitely shows. I think it is one of the reasons I fell in love with restaurants- no work day ever looks the same. 

Q: Later in the month, we will be asking followers to pick if their work style is more like Joey Tribbiani or Monica Geller from Friends. Which would you say yours is?

I would say more like Monica because she is pretty take charge.

Q: What’s your favorite word that has ment in it and what does it mean to you and your business?

For me, I would definitely say experiment. That is my favorite thing about baking and trying new combinations and day dreaming about something. Sitting down and seeing if I can really make it a reality. So experimenting is a huge part of what I do everyday. 


You can find Little Fox on Instagram & Facebook