Being a Ment-ern
Collaborate, Coworking, Women Who Cowork, Work-Life BalanceFrom: Emily and Juan
For the past few months, we have had the pleasure of interning at Ment Cowork. Both of us have learned so much in our chosen field. This blog post will focus on what each of us have gained from interning at Ment on an individual level and how we plan to take that into our future endeavors.
Emily Jones: Digital Media intern
I have been interning at Ment since February. As soon as I walked into our space here on 911 College Street, I could tell it was special. I was noticeably nervous because I had been on the internship hunt for a while with no luck. I was starting to get anxious because I felt like I had no experience in my field and I was falling behind my peers in my major. However, I knew from early on that Ment was where I was supposed to be. The atmosphere here was something that inspired me when I came in every day. The people I work with were all excelling in their field, so I had to bring what I had to the table.
I have learned so much during my time at Ment. Coming in, the only experience in public relations I had was working social media for a festival back home—so not much when I began to compare myself to some of my friends who had two or so internships under their belt already. I was able to apply some of the things I was learning in class to what I was doing at Ment. Most of my duties here at Ment were tied to social media and writing this blog right here. My writing abilities have strengthened tremendously and I feel confident planning monthly social media themes and calendars. However, the majority of my growth has been on a personal level. I have become more confident in my abilities. I have been able to grow and come out of my shell. I feel more comfortable talking to people who I may be pitching to or speaking with across the table at a Chamber of Commerce event.
As far as the rest of my time in Bowling Green goes, I have one more year at Western Kentucky University and will graduate in May 2020. I am majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Digital Advertising. My plan for after graduation changes daily so who knows where I will end up. I have loved interning at Ment beyond words and I hope that you have enjoyed reading my blogs as much as I have enjoyed writing them.
Juan Dozier: Programs intern
A couple of months ago, I had no idea what coworking was or even the concept of it. I heard about Ment through Western Kentucky University and I thought it would be great to know a little bit more about what it was and how it would help me with growing my knowledge of marketing. After I sat down and talked with Hayley, I know that this would be beneficial for me. I started my internship in May and I haven’t regretted interning here one bit. This is my third internship and this is by far my favorite. I have understood the importance of marketing research and brand development thankfully through my wonderful boss. I have learned so much about the community of Bowling Green because of the partnerships we have built. Hayley has given me a lot of valuable information that I am happy I know now and that I will retain for years to come. I could have not found a better internship and I hope to stay in touch with the Ment team and I plan on coming back.
I will be entering my senior year and will be graduating in the spring of 2020. I plan on obtaining my MBA at WKU and working for the University once I am done with graduate school. I have had a lot of influential people in my life who have taught me the importance of leadership and where it will take you and life and that is something I hope to bring to the university. Four years ago, I had no idea where I would end up and how college was all going to work out, but it has turned out way better than any plan I could have thought of.
Thanks goes out to Hayley, Valerie, and JD for giving us the opportunity to intern at this amazing place. We are so excited to see where Ment Cowork goes in the future!